The Ballad Of The Sad Cafe Analysis

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Because of the hunchback began. He looked uneasy, almost as though he was about to cry. He rested the suitcase on the bottom step but did not take his hand from the handle. My mother was Fanny Jesup and she come from Cheehaw. She left Cheehaw some thirty years ago when she married her first husband. Remember hearing her tell how she had a half sister named Martha. And back in Cheehaw today they tell me that was your mother, (7). Marvin Macy after the marriage robbed three filling stations and supposedly killed a man and the crime for which he spent time in the Atlanta penitentiary. When he returns to the town after many years he is an ill omen. It results in Lymon’s betrayal of Amelia, the ruin and closure of Miss. Amelia’s café, and Amelia’s own broken heart. He is an evil man without any redeeming characteristics and he uses Lymon’s attraction to him as a weapon against Amelia. The climax of the story of The Ballad of the Sad Café is set during the night, when Macy and Lymon destroy the café, steal Miss. Amelia’s belonging and break her still by morning…show more content…
Amelia’s marriage. The town laughed a long time over this grotesque affair. But the memory of his passion and his crimes and the thought of him trapped in his cell in the penitentiary were like a troubling undertone beneath the happy love of Miss. Amelia and the gaiety of the café. So does not forget this Marvin Macy as he is to act a terrible part in the story which is yet to come. There was the smell of smoke and the warm, rich odor of the slowly cooking in the pit behind the café. After making the rounds of the town Marvin Macy stopped before Miss. Amelia’s premises and read the sign above the porch. Then not hesitating to trespass he walked through the side yard. The mill whistle blew a thin, lonesome blast and the day’s shift was done. Cousin Lymon stood somewhat apart from everyone and he did not take his eyes from the face of Marvin

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