Importance Of Knowledge Sharing In Public Organizations

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2.12 Knowledge Sharing in Public Organizations Many organizations are concentrating their efforts to create the effective medium and social network of sharing and transferring the particular useful knowledge across the organizations. It has become the foundation of the organizations’ competitive advantage in achieving the business goals and value. Knowledge sharing has been identified as the important capable in improving the quality and superior of service delivery in the public sector organizations (Zhang et al. 2006 and Thomas, 2005). According to Kim and Lee (2005), there is an increasing emphasis on the importance of knowledge sharing for organizational performance and effectiveness in organizations. As knowledge is a central resource…show more content…
Those factors were IT system, Learning strategy, trust culture, and finally flexible structure and design. Three of those factors (IT system, learning strategy and flexible structure) showed to have the biggest impact on knowledge sharing. On the other hand, Lee & Yu (2011) studied on the Effect of organizational relationship style on the level of knowledge sharing. The results of this study showed that employee efficiency and performance as well as dedication to organizational goals are enabled by knowledge sharing. Thus, Knowledge sharing within organizations is greatly enhanced by improved relationships among organizational members, including relationships among coworkers, employee-supervisor relationships and employee-organization relationships. Furthermore, Conway and Sligar (2002) suggested that, knowledge is in one of the four spaces or frames; these are individual, community, corporate, or public. Individuals and organizations do, therefore, have roles to facilitate the transfer and regeneration of…show more content…
The study to investigate strengths and shortcomings of the knowledge sharing practices in the organization .In addition, in this organization there are different challenges such as lack of an overall knowledge management policy or strategy, different units pursue the practice of knowledge sharing in their own way, with some of them barely making use of the knowledge management. Moreover, Elias (2012) stressed that Communication tools for improved Knowledge sharing in rainwater Management: a case study in Nile Basin development challenges. The study revealed that communication and knowledge sharing tools used by training facilitators were not suitable to the majority of farmers. In addition, Farmers have chosen more practical oriented training sessions with detailed explanations and field visits and with audio-visual tools like video, films and radio programs as teaching aids by Holleta Research

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