The Importance Of Innovation

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Innovation is very important for any competitive company, because by innovation company can improve and enhance the performance and help to growth and stability at the global market. Also by the innovation company can get more of market share. almost the company spend more of many for innovation to get more of market share but in fact spend more of money to get more of innovation is not the right way. The study revealed the biggest 10 company in the world are not spend more many for innovation but they have other way can keep them at the top. Here in this essay we will try to explain some of that ways for the top 10 most innovative companies in the world, and how they do it. There are a lot of definition for core competencies here we can…show more content…
Started by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, As many claim, Steve jobs was a very feeble eater and hence came the name Apple- his favorite food. With the establishment of the first Macintosh in the year 1984, Apple had launched a product which no one could duplicate and from there onwards the success story begins. The core competencies of Apple are robust. It is very hard to imitate the Apple products and this gives it the control over its competitors. It has a closed proprietary system and is very consistent in its product portfolio development. If any company divert its business altogether or try to diversify too much in product line than there are chances that it will lose its core competency and apple is the successful among…show more content…
Every effort were made to developed their products based on differentiation which is initiated by the founder CEO and then the pace was accelerated in Steve Job's time in 1997. Technical expertise of their concerned staff played a dynamic role that was able to take to an extreme end in terms of product features, functions and specifications. This approach of developing competencies remained an area utmost importance by Steve Job's which helped to record phenomenal in sales and profitability as well. Just due to competency the customer positioned these products in their mind as ultimate unique in functions and no other competitor could produce something closer to this. As Apple's products are highly sophisticated that is why it is exercising the skimming pricing policy and people do not mind opening their valets and buying the unique feature
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