The Pros And Cons Of E-Commerce

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E-Commerce is changing the way businesses are organized and run. It motivates the marketers to find new methods and techniques to expand their markets, to gain and retain customers by transforming the products and services to satisfy their needs, and to restructure their business processes to deliver high quality products and services effectively and efficiently. In the first wave of business commerce, back in 1998, predominantly a U.S. phenomenon, primarily in English on commerce sites, business is related to "dot-com" in which the Web sites emerged all over the virtual world. Many of them were used by interested parties-to view product specifications and ordering information and simple portals for Web surfers-customers. After that, basic…show more content…
Second wave of E-commerce: • International: In this phase many sellers started doing business in different countries having different languages. Many E-commerce websites were available in multiple languages. Two impediments to the efficiency to global business were language translation and currency conversion. • Companies using internal funds: Established companies used internal funds to finance gradual expansion of E-commerce opportunities. • Broadband connections: Broadband connections are a key to stay in contact with consumers in business to consumer commerce as many people have broadband connections at home. Its high speed internet helps in communication with other businesses and customers. • Digitalization of media: This has changed the way products are presented on websites by online retailers for website visitors. Marketing on internet has become easy and cheap way of connecting with customers. Use of multiple sophisticated advertising approaches and better integration of electronic commerce with existing business processes and strategies was

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