Academic Libraries Case Study

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THE ISSUES IN ACADEMC LIBRARIES Abstract The academic libraries need to change the user perception about the libraries that is more to the bad perception. Hence, to change that perception the academic libraries need to list the issue that always occurs in the libraries because it is easy to make an analysis. Therefore, by doing the analysis the libraries know their lack in management and easier for them to improve it. The first issue always occurs in the academic library is about the collections. The other issue is the lack of the facilities. Besides that, the academic libraries do not develop the strategic planning. Furthermore, by developing the strategic planning it can make the staff aware about their responsibilities, easy for the academic…show more content…
According to Johnson and Scholes (1997), Schulz, strategic can be defined as the long term direction and scope of an organization to achieve the organizational advantage through its configuration of resources within a changing environment, to meet the need of the market and to fulfill stakeholder expectations. Strategic planning is a one of an important component in academic libraries. The institutional strategic planning that is not well-develop can bring the problems to the library itself. In academic libraries, the main issue in academic library is poor in strategic planning such as not developed a concept program which state clearly what the institution wants the library to do and how the library to…show more content…
According to Sarah McNicol, Schulz (1998) , state that there are several benefits which can arise from strategic planning, include the staff can aware about their responsibilities and roles in the organization, they have broad knowledge in the different field of library and university especially when it comes to the library collection, can help the university in achieving the vision and mission that established by the university and last but not least the benefit of strategic planning is it can help the organization to strengthen the networking between the library and stakeholder. Besides that, the most important thing that can be gained from strategic planning can improve the effectiveness of management and also the services help the staff in improving the morale and motivation in order to maintain a good relationship with the customer, to promote a good image and to be better in financial

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