The Importance Of Football In My Life

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Every word means something different to everyone. Football might mean everything to one person but nothing to another. To me, football was my saving grace. Football means everything to me and barely anything to me at the same time. It’s the reason I’m here right now instead of dead or in jail but there’s more to me and more to my life than football. Growing up, I was the youngest of three kids. My mother gave birth to the three of us before she was eighteen years old (Solotaroff para 3). My mother got impregnated by my grandmother’s boyfriend when she was fourteen (Solotaroff para 8). My grandmother abandoned her fourteen-year-old pregnant daughter so she could smoke crack (Solotaroff para 8). My mother was fifteen and my father was forty. She acted as my father’s wife so he could pay for her children (Solotaroff para 8).…show more content…
We shared that apartment with twelve other people and I’d constantly be around crackheads. Whenever the drug dealing business wasn’t going too well, my mom would hit me with a steal pipe and whip my back with a car amp (Solotaroff para 11). In addition, my mother and father were too preoccupied on finding money to try to raise me so my brother, who is also my uncle, had to raise me. He would knock on our neighbor’s doors and beg for food and when we couldn’t get any food from them, we would have dinner at the Salvation Army (Solotaroff para

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