The Importance Of Extensive Reading Instruction

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Introduction Over the past decades, many researchers have shown an interest in Extensive Reading (ER) Instruction as a valid way of enhancing learners’ reading performance for foreign language learning. In fact, many researchers conducted empirical studies on the instruction, and they showed successful results in many countries (Mason & Krashen 1997, Day & Bamford 1998). Furthermore, meta-analyses of ER conclude that it is more effective than traditional instructions (Nakanishi 2015, Suk 2017). The basic theory of the instruction reflects Krashen’s Input Hypothesis, which briefly proposes acquisition occurs by only input. Once his hypothesis was criticized for many researchers, but most of them agree the importance of input itself for second…show more content…
This is true in our mother tongue as well as in second language. According to Krashen, language acquisition happens when learners understand the massages they take as input. Also he states that the hypothesis also applies to reading literacy, for example, reading ability, spelling ability, vocabulary knowledge, and ability to handle complex syntax is the result of reading (Krashen 2004). Krashen has proposed as in his hypothesis reading is most effective way and indicated reading extensively and voluntary provides competence and knowledge in both first and second language development. In order to enhance reading in classrooms, Extensive Reading has been popularized in many educational settings. Nation (2009) summarizes that ER contributes to fluency development in foreign language learning in that it benefits three reading dimensions; vocabulary, grammar, and knowledge of the world. In this regard, plenty of and simplified texts are necessary for learners’ vocabulary size, interest, and for much input. In detail, first of all, learners focus not on item to learn in texts but on texts itself when reading books. Since reading is incidental learning, lots of input which learners can find has to be interesting and compelling. If a learner finds specific topic interesting, they can understand difficult texts on the topic even if the level is higher than the learner’s current level. Grabe and Stlloer (2013) explain the divergence in terms of cognitive resource. In short, the learner uses his or her learning and reading experience to understand the text. This fact suggests that much exposure which makes learners literate is crucial for reading ability development, provided learning and reading experience enables learners to understand difficult texts. As a concreate quantity, Nation examines learners should read 500,000 running words in a year. Although Day et al. (2011) don’t declare numbers, they states learners should read

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