Essay On Korean Reunification

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At a first look on the issue of Korean reunification, it makes sense for people to jump to the common conclusion. Of course we should bring two fighting countries to a friendship. Less chance of war, families reunited, and the combined powers would spark a major impact, through both economy and power. After all, there are still cultural ideas that are celebrated by both the North and South, regardless of separation. The religion of Shamanism, the belief of spiritual possession in all natural objects, is Korea’s oldest religion. Even with the parting of the Koreas, many people “still go to a mudang (Shaman fortune teller) to have their fortune told, especially before engaging in very important life practices like marriage or starting a new business.” (Korean Religion: An Integrated Mosaic 4). Furthermore, both North and South Koreans will often take part in…show more content…
Many claim that the cultural gap has become too wide due to wartime and opposing governmental ideologies. Both education systems are teaching how detrimental the other countries are. “In South Korea, an image has developed of Northerners as second-class Koreans - needy and starving but surly and belligerent. In the North, teachers tell children that South Korea is an American colony, a springboard for a future invasion.” (Korea Crossing The Divide 31). Additionally, the estimated cost of reunification is between $2-5 trillion dollars and the economy between the two countries is drastically different. Per capita, the GDP of South Korea is $28,000 while the north is merely at $1,800. But the larger problem consists of the nationalism that are presented in both countries. The mythological value of the Kim family will be nearly impossible for North Koreans to shake off and the South’s highly structured government based off of the United states will result in a clashing of

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