Fluency Reading In Literature

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1.2. Review of Literature Following researches have demonstrated comparing the difference of using fluency reading strategies and practices among L1 and L2 teachers and understanding the effectiveness of reading fluency on improving reading skill in different studies of applied linguistics and language learning educational contexts: Goh Hock Seng and Fatimah Hashimi (2006) carried out a study with the purpose of examining the use of L1 as students read in L2 texts, identifying the reading strategies that are expressed most in the L1. Four undergraduate students who were in their first year of education were selected from the University Pendidikan Idris . The subjects were all female. The researchers used think aloud protocols as the mean…show more content…
His study focused on chunking ability using the text segmentation method. In this method, four text modes were used: the whole text which refers to natural reading, single words refers to reading word by word, meaningful chunk which provides learner with help in chunking, and fragment word group which refers to unnatural reading. The hypothesis was that learners at advanced level have higher levels of chunking skills available for utilization in their reading than learners at a lower L2 proficiency level. The participants were 48 Japanese university students. To measure their L2 proficiency level, a 58-item cloze test was applied. Participants were decided into two levels considering mean score: intermediate and advanced. These materials were readings from a standardized test of English proficiency. Using One-way ANOVAs , there were no significant difference among texts in terms of familiarity of the topic and level of difficulty. all texts were presented in modes which we have said on a personal program with key pressing method. Each participant read a different text of these modes. They read the texts as quickly as possible and answered the comprehension questions to be sure about their understanding of the…show more content…
They worked on factors that influence reading and comprehension of branching instruction in self-administered questionnaires. They tested the effects of question complexity on whether questions and branching instruction re read and answered correctly. The design of the questionnaire and the characteristics of the questions were supposed to influence respondents reading. The prevention method, the detection method and the control method are used in this study. This method includes instruction which reminds respondents to pay attention to each question before answering. The background of the papers is white to make easy contact with respondent and the fonts are large. The questions involved are in these characteristics: number of words in questions, number of answer categories, location of the bottom of the page, distance between the answer box and branching instruction. Results showed the effect of only write in response and bottom of the page effective. to test the influence o the design and question complexity, a 4 page questionnaire was
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