The Importance Of Cultural Intelligence

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Cultural intelligence is defined according to (Earley & Ang, 2003) as one's ability to deal efficiently in situations characterized by cultural diversity. Cultural intelligence has metacognitive, cognitive, behavioral, and motivational aspects, along with being specifically relevant to cross-cultural contexts studies (Earley & Ang, 2003; Hampden-Turner & Trompenaars, 2006; Triandis, 2006), and human resource management (Earley & Peterson, 2004). In cultural intelligence, the principle of motivation refers to one's self-efficacy, confidence, ability to be persistent, and the alignment to his/her personal values, while behavior represents one's capability of having a selection of skills, and the aptitude to adapt his/her behavior (Moua, 2011).…show more content…
Paying attention to cultural systems is very important to any one whether leading or managing, therefore, knowledge is a fundamental principle in intercultural training, and is included in the cultural intelligence model. People have to know how cultures are formed, understood, and shared, in addition to how cultural explanations, sense, signs, can influence behaviors and approaches. This component of the model is thought of as "Acquire" because of the need to acquire information and knowledge that help people identify cultural elements in situations that require them to do so. The attainment of knowledge—tapping into what one has kept in his/her memory—is cognition (Moua,…show more content…
Cultural intelligence (CQ) is theoretically and empirically distinct from other individual differences such as cognitive intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ), social intelligence (SQ), and the big five universal personality features (broad and stable universal predispositions including extraversion, agreeableness, consciousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience) (Christiansen, 2015). Earley and colleagues (Earley & Ang, 2003; Earley & Peterson, 2004) have associated the format of cultural intelligence with other types of intelligence including emotional and social intelligence (Cantor & Kihlstrom, 1985; Goleman, 1998), which highlight intelligence as one's ability to adapt to his/her environment (Sternberg, 2000). Earley and his colleagues have also contended that cultural intelligence is different from both social intelligence and emotional intelligence. Specifically (Earley & Ang, 2003) claimed that emotional intelligence (which reflects one's capacity of interpreting and reacting to the emotional states of others, and regulating his/her emotional state) presumes a degree of understanding of culture and context that may not exist. Furthermore, they emphasized that writing about emotional intelligence has not addressed cross-cultural aspects of emotional intelligence and how the

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