The Importance Of Conflict Management

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Conflict management is important to perform for PMs. Furst (2012) advises that there are two important approaches when dealing with conflict, concern for the people and concern for results. Moreover, Pruitt and Rubin (1986) suggest that it has to be adapted for conflict management by replacing the concern of results with the concern of people. Figure 4-3 categorises the various approaches to conflict management (Kilmann and Thomas, 1975) Figure 4 3 - Conflict handling style However, O’Neil (2002) argues that the above handling style has its useful purpose but other parties must consider how the outcomes will affect the working relationship. Additionally, Loosemore et. al. (2000) suggest that most conflicts are managed by exploring different…show more content…
Hence, it is important to have a good people skill for PMs. According to Eyre (2009), he summarises that solid people skills are whether you lead people, aspire to lead people, work within the project teams and apply people skills to achieve the objectives. PMBOK (2008) describes that people management are including the processes that organise, manage and lead the project team and all roles and responsibilities will be entailed to the team members for completing the project. For…show more content…
According to Robert (2014), he highlights that managing people effectively is vital because satisfy team members tend to be more loyal and hard working to the projects. Eyre (2009) agreed and added that managing difference and personal integrity are the two most important factors to enhance people management. In fact, recruiting people is also part of the important people skills. PMs should have the option to recruit the correct people. In most construction projects, the teams are selected based on their expertise and experience (Clements and Gido, 2012). In other words, they believe that recruiting the correct person will make a good people manager as well. In summary, the techniques and skills applied to managing people are significantly important and it will affect the project's performance. In this part, PMs should be aware with the behaviours when dealing with the teams because good PMs will make effective use of people involved and always treat them as important as stakeholders. Additionally, projects always success when the participants could feel their involvement for the completion and apparently, this is part of the people management skills that PMs should
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