Impact Of Csr On Academic Achievement

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Education is an important factor for development of countries. Now, in today’s world all countries need to enhance their military power, economy and technology if they want to take the advantage of the globalization and not to suffer from it. And enhancements in these areas would not happen without improvement in educational system. As Ehrenberg (2001) says, “education is a pillar of modern society and the subject of endless often passionate arguments about how it can best be improved” (p.285). Thus, the countries’ policy makers should make some policies that can bring improvement in their education system. Therefore, some of the countries made the policy of class size reduction in order to enhance the academic achievements. About 20 countries…show more content…
There are some milestone studies that find out the significant impact of CSR on academic achievement. One of these important and comprehensive studies was Tennessee Class Size Experiment named STAR (Student-Teacher Achievement Ratio). This experiment (STAR) was implemented by Tennessee State Department of Education and Tennessee Universities. It cost about 12 million dollars and took 4 years starting from 1985 until 1989. And about 180 schools participated in this experiment. STAR was highly designed. It was well randomized that controlled all other variables except the number of the students in each classes. It was such well-designed that Frederick Mosteller a statistician in Harvard University called it “One of the greatest experiments in education in United States history” (as cited in Ehrenberg et al, 2001,…show more content…
In Japan the student per teacher ratio is about 40. However, as Zorpette clarifies that there are other factors which leaded the Japanese student to high academic achievements despite being in large classes. For example: the Japanese families are tending less to get divorced and they are more involved in their children’s studies and education (2001). An expert on Japanese educational system, Lewis says, “Japan’s prowess in academic achievement is also sustained by something it does not have: ethnic and linguistic diversity” (as cited in Zorpette, 2001). On the other hand, Zorpette argues that it is not clear whether the Asian countries’ experience like Japan could work in other countries like USA due to deep cultural differences and extensive diversity in those

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