Negative Effects Of Unemployment

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The federal-state unemployment insurance system (UI) assists individuals that have lost their jobs by providing temporary wages, while they seek for work. UI is a form of social insurance in which taxes are collected from employers paying into the system on the behalf of employed individuals to provide financial assistance if they lose their job. This system also helps sustain consumer demand during economic downturns by providing a certain amount of dollars for families to spend. The basic unemployment insurance program is run by states. In most states, the benefits are provided up to 26 weeks for unemployed individuals, however, about half of their wages are replaced. States provide majority of the funding and pay for the actual benefits…show more content…
One of the main reasons unemployment remains too high is because of our soft economy. In today’s labor market, it provides the strongest case for extending UI benefits. It is harder to find employment the longer you are unemployed, however, today’s workers are exceptional. The odds of an unemployed individual finding a job is less likely than before the Great Recession. Furthermore, the odds of experiencing long-term unemployment is due to being fired in a hard-hit industry, such as construction. Many unemployed workers received unemployment insurance since the late 1950’s. However, it was not designed to cover all unemployed workers. President Clinton, along with congressional leaders appointed a bipartisan Advisory Council on Unemployment Compensation to address several problems. It was identified that there were numerous of serious problems with UI eligibility and other rules. Some states were able to institute some of the reforms, the federal government made no effort to consider. The Recovery Act made $7 billion to states to expand eligibility including, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin…show more content…
Unemployed individuals need positive affirmation so they would not give up. There are various reasons as to why individuals are not employed; lack of education, incarceration history, disabled, etc. These individuals will need someone to advocate for them in order to work. Many individuals are not aware of their strengths; however, it is imperative social workers utilize the strengths perspective. Strengths perspective assist with empowering clients to be able to overcome their current obstacles. Individuals often over look their strengths and can feel hopeless, but it is a social worker’s job to bring that individual to the light and build up their attributes so they can become successful. Lack of diversity in the workplace can be a key factor as to why an employee chooses not to work for a specific organization/agency. Unresolved conflict between individuals can stem from lack of diversity in the workplace and a focus on those with culture differences and

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