Effects Of Parenting In Child Development

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Child Development : The Effect of Parenting and Environmental Relations Parents are entrusted with the overarching task to prepare their children for the physical, psychosocial, and economic conditions in which that generation will eventually live and hopefully flourish. Understanding its highly subjective nature and variability, how do the factors of social class, ethnic identity, and culture shape parenting? What are the functions of parents’ relationship with the child and with each other (Bornstein 311)? The scope of parenting and its effects are discussed to find the negative influence of family background and parenting in child development. Children are born into a world of unknowns. Newborns have no choice in what environment they…show more content…
These adaptations are made unconsciously and reflect how the most important source of these signals is the quality of care that young children receive (Thompson 42-43). Amidst the plethora of influences on child development, parents are the ‘final common pathway’ to child development and stature, adjustment and success. But parenting is fraught with small and large stresses and disappointments; parents today are ever less secure in their roles, even in the face of rising environmental and institutional demands that they assume increasing responsibility for their offspring. Parenting is a subject about which people typically hold strong opinions, but about which too little solid information or considered reflection exists. Moreover, the family generally, and parenting specifically, are today in a greater state of flux, question, and re-definition than perhaps ever before. Contemporary times have witnessed the “emergence of striking permutations in parenting from what had narrowly been thought of as the two-parent wife-and-husband ‘norm’: Consider the rise of blended…show more content…
The American culture idolizes the “rags-to-riches” story, which many believe epitomizes the “American dream”. Individuals within the United States population – including humble athletes, shrewd entrepreneurs, or self-taught savants – who embody the significant upward movement in the social hierarchy are thrust into the media spotlight, becoming the cover child of a mentality that persists throughout time and generations. Despite the various factors preventing people from becoming successful, a vast number of people believe that “genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration” (in the words of American icon, Thomas Edison). However, about half of all 2.2 billion children in the world live in poverty (Mckinney 204). Historically, children have been marginalized through various means such as cheap labor and human trafficking, but only recently, world governments have begun to allocate significant funding for the fight against poverty and poverty-associated indecencies. Spurred into action, people have tried to maintain equality and human rights for minimum education. For example, the United Kingdom introduced an anti-poverty campaign in 1999, which aimed to

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