Alexander The Great's Legacy

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Alexander the Great was born in July 356 B.C.E. He is the son of King Phillip of Macedon. Alexander the Great sought to expand upon his father’s legacy in the known world as a great warrior. In order to achieve this Alexander sets his targets on defeating the massive Persian Empire that is currently the dominant power in the area of the Mediterranean. Alexander is successful in his goal and then seeks to expand his empire. Alexander is very successful in combat and does not lose a battle, the surprising thing about Alexander is that once he captures a group of people he allows them to maintain their culture and political systems so that they will remain loyal to him. Though Alexander is accommodating he also is credited with the spreading of…show more content…
However, I chose to write about Alexander the great for a legacy that came after his death. Alexandria was a city built in the honour of Alexander the great, what makes this city so unique for me and why I think that Alexander is one of my top five important parts of history that we have learned in the last three weeks is because it became a hub for human knowledge and at the time had the biggest library known to man. Though the library was burned the fact that the principle established by Alexander the Great allowed for the creation of a hub for human learning, is in my mind the most important legacy left behind by Alexander the Great. (WTWA, 4th Ed., 203-211), (notes, Sept…show more content…
Without this connection the people of Mesoamerica were forced to pave their own paths in order to survive. According to historical evidence the people of Mesoamerica attempted to experiment with crops of maize around 7000 B.C.E., maize was often complemented by tubers and beans to add protein. However unlike most western societies at the time the people of Mesoamerica did not domesticate animals like cows to supplement their diets or dogs to protect their towns. Many cultures within the Americas developed their own writing tools often using pictures, history however was often told orally often in the forms of stories which really set the people of the Americas a part form those civilizations in Afro- Eurasia. One of these technological disadvantages was the lack of the Bronze Age in Mesoamerica, instead the people of the Americas relied on what nature provided for them (rocks, sticks and in the rare cases they used jade). Like the Egyptians the people of Mesoamerica built pyramids as places of worship with in their

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