Ara Pacis Augustae: Altar Of Peace

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GRAMMER/SPELLING Ara Pacis Augustae: Altar of Peace This Roman monument was named Ara Pacis Augustae after the Emperor Augustus, in 9 BC the monument was blessed as the Altar of Majestic Peace. Augustus commissioned this building to celebrate his victories at Gaul and Hispania (which is now known as France and Spain) and the symbol for peace in Rome. During this period it was considered one of the most important structures. This building is symbolic to the era known as Pax Romana (this translates to Roman Peace), during 27BC to 180AD. The original location is the Campus Martius, this is flood plain in the Tiber River. The position of the monument is placed so that as the light hits the pillars on the Campus Martius it would cast a shadow…show more content…
This was said to have occurred after he fled Troy as it burnt to the ground, Aeneas arrived safely in Latium. The purpose Augustus has included Aeneas is to portray how Augustus has a birth-right to gods, which shows Augustus as a god. They are themes of religious beliefs that connects the viewer to his faith. There are 3 significant figures present, the 1st is a plate offering in Aeneas right hand known as patera, the 2ND symbol is jug held usually by an associate this represents libation, and the 3rd symbols is a curved staff also held in Aeneas right hand, this is known as the lituss, these 3 emblems are associated with ancient Roman religion. This also links Augustus to a greater lineage, as he stands above typical Romans, this acceptance of practising faith attach Augustus to the Roman citizens but does not make him equal to them as he portrayed his divinity as a higher being. There are many priests shown throughout the monument also creating links to faith. The original purpose of this monument was to enhance Augustus god like nature and acknowledge this to therefore fully accept him but however at the same time portray the cultural revival under his…show more content…
The foundation myths present throughout also helps return to the origins of Roman culture, and his ideologies of creating a more virtuous base for Rome to thrive. There is propaganda seen in this section as modern day people would that this as a documentation of events during this time, as Augustus is seen as having reformed the Lupercalia (this is an olden day festival of purifying the city and everyone one in it). Which emphasises this constant message of Roman figures as identifiable as real people, this is different to Greek artwork as their representations of individuals are mythical, therefore you cannot connect the figures to real people. The fact that you can still clearly understand that Augustus is changing the way art is portrayed but still showing homage to the previous great empire of the Greek world. The reformation of the celebrated past enhances the presences with more virtues in society, Augustus took lead the city to an idealistic society of which embraced the people have pride in not just their city but in themselves. This idea is comforted by the Roman’s standing above the enemy weapons to feel a presence of

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