Augustus Caesar: The First Emperor Of Rome

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Young, vibrant, and determined, Augustus Caesar accumulated immense power and adulation by restoring Rome to its former glory. Augustus, formerly known as Octavian, was the adopted son of Julius Caesar, who later became the First Emperor of Rome. He originally shared rule with Mark Antony, however, their collaboration proved ineffective. Augustus’ pursuit for power and authority resulted after defeating Antony in the battle of Actium and becoming the First Emperor of Rome (Cohen). Res Gestae Divi Augusti is the autobiography of his reign. Throughout the text, he expresses self-adoration and honor in his quest for power, yet the subtext portrays a positive relationship with the Roman Empire by such cajoling and propaganda. In this autobiography,…show more content…
The tenor of his auto-biographical account is one of propaganda, which, in the time, provided a very effective way to create his false truth. Augustus maintained power for himself in this autocracy, yet argues that he ruled wisely and with the consent of his people; he claims that he “handed over the state from [his] power to the dominion of the senate and the Roman people” and “had no greater power than the others who were colleagues with me in each magistracy” (Augustus par. 34). He later proclaims he is awarded by vote the title “father of [Rome]” (Augustus par. 35). Propagandizing his perception of reality is evident in this biased account of his ascension to Emperor. It is evident that Augustus was driven in a quest to gain control and power as a means to fulfill his own ego. The undertones to his portrayal of being the respected, self-assured leader appears to be a veiled attempt at satisfying his desire for reverence and dignity. As others saw him as thirsty for power, his account reveals insecurities besieged him. Augustus’ determination to ascend to the highest authority was to gain respect from the Romans, continue the prestige of his lineage and solidify himself as a historic…show more content…
Upon defeating Antony and other conquests in the name of Rome, his use of military acumen garnered more respect, thus more authority by “declaring himself over all the armies of Spain, Gall, and Syria” (Cohen). He assumed respect, and as a result, rule. The consuls conferred more authority to Augustus as he extols, “senate then wanted to accomplish through me, I did through tribunician power” and “received from the senate a colleague in such power” (Augustus par. 6). The way Augustus had worded this makes it seem as if he was granted respected authority from his consuls; however, Augustus had actually been a tyrannical

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