The Dangers In The Epic Of Beowulf

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Beowulf, a story that depicts the fearless and courageous acts of a Scandinavian hero; Beowulf, symbolizes more than just his audacious doings. The exciting adventures that the inscriptions hold appear to be both life-threatening, physically and mentally. All of the Anglo-Saxon society believed in retribution, that was their mission most of the time. This had to leave them emotionally distressed and frightened of who would avenge them for retaliating. In fact, the novel has shown the many dangers that Beowulf has had to face. Americans go through many dangers, not the unexpected attacks from monstrous entities with green spiky wings and flames spitting from their mouths, of course. But there are definitely struggles that we seem to face every day. Beowulf was not an undirected work of literature; its purpose was to depict the complications that the Anglo Saxons encountered as well as the modern people of today.…show more content…
For example, “So times were pleasant for the people there until finally one, a fiend out of hell, began to work his evil in the world” (Heaney 9). In page nine, the book has already revealed the ultimate message; in life, we all face monster-like beings. The boss that will always be glad to punish the new and lost coworker for making a mistake or the student in class that prays for the next to get an “F” for the sake of their own amusement. The book merely starts off with a complicated situation that not one person but every person in the society has to deal with. It shows the reader how determined the motive of the story was to come alive and sooner than possible be recognized. Beowulf was written for the same reason any other book has been written; for a person to be heard. Furthermore, this story depicts more than one would

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