The Brown Verdict

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Weaknesses and Strengths of the Brown Verdict Though I concede the ruling in Brown v. Board of Education was instrumental to the development of the Civil Rights Movement and essential to the new legislation being passed, I still insist that Brown has yet to achieve its intended purpose of school desegregation. Furthermore, I am not sure it is entirely possible to claim that Brown is either a success or failure, whereas it makes more to describe it as having its strengths and weaknesses. In the report Brown at 50: King’s Dream or Plessy’s Nightmare” Orfield and Lee reach the consensus that “segregation is inevitable” (3). This statement is true because it prevails in a stronger manner today than it originally did. The most important form…show more content…
It confronts the fact that if we as individuals neglected to take into account the impact of segregation, then we are punishing the victim without attempting to work out the previous inequalities. In short, we live in a society where inequalities are allowed to build upon on each other before any correction occurs. In “Why Segregation Matters: Poverty and Educational Inequality”, Orfield and Lee confront the brutal realities of high poverty schools and the impact they have of Latino and African-American minority students. As described in the report, these types of schools are in communities that face immense economic hardships. Qualities of such schools include teaching staffs that are weak in training and high teacher turnover rates. In their report, Orfield and Lee explore two studies performed in North Carolina and Florida which both revealed potential consequence of further segregation based on racial and socioeconomic class. Ultimately, both studies yielded results which reflected how harmful segregation was and how an effort should be exerted to maintain a diverse educational…show more content…
Furthermore, it was not constructed to take into consideration that segregation itself was situated on multiples inequalities and was not merely a matter of racial discrimination. In short, Brown I and II did were unable to rectify the issue of desegregation on a widespread scale ultimately resulting in the resurgence of segregation in schools today on a multi-faceted

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