Abortion In Ernest Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants

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Everyday people make decisions that affect their lives in the future. There are decisions that will not have the correct answer, only a better one. In Ernest Hemingway’s, Hills like White Elephants, Jig and her American boyfriend are arguing about having an abortion at a train stop on the way to Madrid. He insists that Jig has an abortion while she is leaning towards keeping the baby. Hemingway does not tell if Jig has an abortion, but the answer comes from the reading of a single sentence. Hemingway is depicting the fellow passengers through the American’s eyes in the last paragraph of the story by saying, “they were all waiting reasonably for the train” with only a few minutes left before it arrives. The phrase can be interpreted in two ways,…show more content…
There is always someone who has taken a slight bit control over the other; they hold the power within the relationship. The line, “they were all waiting reasonably for the train” has to be read with a sense of ease and relief for the American to hold the power within their relationship. Jig repeatedly says that, “[she]’ll do it because [she does not] care about [herself].” Jig does not want to lose the relationship that the has been in for years. She is willing to do anything to keep the man by her side that has been her companion for many adventures. Having a baby is not an adventure that the American wants to have and Jig has been informed of that in multiple ways. She knows that if she keeps the baby that her boyfriend will…show more content…
The focal lens that is being looked through has changed because it shows that the American has won the argument and Jig is having the abortion. It shows that he has gotten his way and that he is now, apart of the crowd. Jig looks out to the valley and says, “and we could have all this. And we could have everything and everyday we make it more impossible,” which means that the longer they wait that the more impossible it is to have the world which shows that the American has
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