How To Judge People In To Kill A Mockingbird

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“I don’t care if care if you’re black, white, strait, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat skinny rich or poor. If you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you, simple as that.”(BrainyQuotes). This is a quote by Marshall Bruce Mathers. These words are words that we should live by. This quote says that we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. In other words, we shouldn’t judge people by the color of their skin, or their financial state, but look deeper into who they are as a person, and judge them based on how they act and treat other people. In fact, this is one of the themes in the story To Kill A Mockingbird. The characters in this story struggle to live by the previous quote. If we choose to judge people it will have big effects,…show more content…
She can’t seem to look past the financial state in which people are in, and bases their personality on it. One example of Aunt Alexandra ding this is when Scout asks to play with Walter Cunningham. Aunt Alexandra refuses Scout’s requests, not allowing her to play with Walter(Lee224). Aunt Alexandra is basing Walter on the fact that he comes from a poor family, and fails to see that Walter is a good person, who comes from a very kind and polite family, and the Cunningham’s are so courteous that they wouldn’t even barrow a dime that they couldn’t repay(Lee20). But Aunt Alexandra only cares about social status and didn’t even bother to notice what a good person Walter is. Walter suffers the consequences of being unfairly judged by continuing to be lonely, and struggles to find friends that will accept him for who he is, and will look past that fact that he is…show more content…
They took one look at Tom, and the see that Tom is black. Their decision has been made(Lee211). They cannot look past the color of Tom’s skin to see what kind of a person that he really is. Since Tom is black, he has no chance of being freed. The jury has unfairly made their verdict purely based on the fact that Tom is black. The jury will cause Tom to pay the consequences for their blindness to what is really important. Tom will be sentences to execution because people judge books by their covers, and in this case, Tom is the book. Again Harper Lee is trying to show us that bad things will happen when people unfair and untrue assumptions. The jury says Tom is guilty, when in reality they only see the color of his skin, when truly Tom is a good person at heart who was only helping out someone who needed
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