Take Brave New World Bernard Character Analysis

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There are many works of literature where a character plays a significant role and shows how that character’s alienation reveals the surrounding society’s assumptions or moral values. Take Brave New World for an example: Aldous Huxley not only incorporated one alienated character but two! Both who were outcasts with two entirely different purposes. While both provide an external point of view, which lets the reader make their own judgments on situations occurring in the novel, Bernard’s upbringing from inside the World State- which is governed by ten World Controllers, differs from John’s- whose upbringing was from one of many ‘Savage Reservations’. John the Savage doesn’t really belong anywhere. He’s the only person in this novel who was born naturally from a mother while others were created in "hatcheries and conditioning centres". While he grew up at the reservation with many other boys his age, he wasn’t allowed to participate in their activities and was instead rejected and isolated. He didn’t belong at the Reservation and when he went to the world where his parents came from, he found out that he didn’t belong there either. The only place he truly belonged was in a fantasy world based off of several different Shakespeare works…show more content…
While John was just disgusted by the values accepted in the society, Bernard thrived on revolting and defying authorities. He voiced his opinions no matter what the outcome would be. Through Bernard, the society doesn’t seem corrupt for having unnatural morals but controlled and basically dictated by the World Controllers. He wants to stand out and be different in a society where everyone is mass-produced from the same sperm. By being isolated and snubbed from society, Bernard has a will for individuality and to stand out amongst the

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