The American Depression: The Impact Of The New Deal

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The New Deal was introduced in the 1930’s by Franklin Delano Roosevelt after his first presidential election to combat the effects of the depression that had hit USA. The New Deal was categorized into 2: The first New Deal, which focused on recovering the economy and the banking crisis, and the second New Deal which was more focused on worker welfare and was liberal. The New Deal is an often-debated topic and this essay aims to look at the impacts of the New Deal and assess its significance and relevance. It will assess various aspects of the New Deal- the economy, the lives of people, rebuilding the country and the overall confidence of American citizens after the implication of the New Deal. Economically, the New Deal was not very significant…show more content…
Thirty times more money was spent in the 1940’s compared to the 1930’s due to the war expenses. There was a massive improvement in the economic state of the country in the early 1940’s; however, this recovery was credited towards war effort. The underlying significance that the New Deal possesses comes from the fact that it prevented the country’s economy from collapsing completely. It held the nation together until the war brought the country out of the depression. It is often debated that if FDR spent the same amount of money spent in the 1940’s, it would have taken the United States out of the depression. FDR’s repeated changes in funding could be a reason for this delayed…show more content…
It affected many aspects of their life, especially after the effect the depression had on them. After the depression, nearly 15 million people were out of work and near poverty levels; unemployment was at 19%. People relied heavily on breadlines and soup kitchens and by 1933, breadlines were a very common sight. To combat these high levels of unemployment prevalent throughout the country, federally funded programs like the CCC and TVA were introduced. These programs created jobs for over 3 million financially independent people. It enrolled young men in work camps to participate in conservation projects. Moreover, it provided workers with free uniforms and food. The Civil Works Administration (CWA) was another work relief program that gave work in other areas from education to highway maintenance. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) also created jobs in constructing dams and hydropower facilities. The most significant program was the Works Progress Administration which not only employed people to construct public buildings and roads, but also employed people experienced in arts, music and literature for literacy projects; it paid artists to create murals and sculptures. This projects itself paid for 8.5 million men and women. Another aspect the New Deal positively impacted was housing. Programs like the US Housing Act funded state run public housing projects and the Federal National Mortgage Association

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