The Pros And Cons Of The New Deal

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Franklin D. Roosevelt is known as the only U.S. president to serve three terms and be elected four times. During his presidency he was responsible for leading the United States through the Great Depression and World War II. The Great Depression can be described as the worst economic collapse that was worldwide in its dimensions. After the stock market crash of 1929 there was a significantly increase in the unemployment rates. Consequently, fifth teen million Americans were laid off and nearly half the country’s banks had failed. Roosevelt expanded the powers of the federal government through a series of programs and reforms known as the New Deal. Although, the New Deal accomplished some issues such as restoring confidence in the American people, given work in government projects, saved banks from collapses, and valuable work like building hospitals, schools, and roads. However, there were still many issues that need to be resolved that the New Deal failed to accomplish because it still didn’t solve the unemployment rate which means it was a failure. Paul K. Conkin tries to make sense of the New Deal in his book the “The New Deal” third edition since there is still a debate on whether or not Roosevelt's efforts to increase the economic decline actually alleviated the American people. Through the book Conkin seems to oppose The New Deal since he…show more content…
On the other hand Hoover felt that the best way was to do nothing and let the problem fix itself. Although The New Deal provided jobs for people the jobs were only temporary it was seen as a short-term impact that made people think that their troubles were coming to an end. What was new about the “New Deal” was that it supported the conception of a government-regulated economy intended to achieve a balance between inconsistent economic

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