The 1900s: The Decade Of New

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The 1900s: The Decade of New The start of a new year brings resolutions and the hope of change, but the start of a new century opens the door to real progress and endless possibilities. The early 1900s experienced fast improvements in many areas that greatly impacted the way people lived. These innovations improved the lives of Americans and acted as a springboard for the many conveniences that can be used in daily life. “The Decade of New” is an appropriate title for the 1900s in the United States because those ten years were filled with new openings, new types of entertainment, and new types of transportation. Starting new things is always exciting and people in America dreamed of openings and start-ups along with the rest of the world.…show more content…
Railroads had convinces between towns or states but there was no quick transportations in cities other than horse carriages, electric cars or motor vehicles. The first subway in the United States was in Boston 1897 and the oldest underground train system began in London in 1863. However the New York Subway would become the new rapid system and the largest American System. Interborough Rapid Transit Company, also known as RIT, operated the subway. The first line was 9.1 miles long and ran through 28 different stations. It began in City Hall to Grand Central Terminal then to 42nd Street to Times Square finishing on 145th Street and Broadway in Harlem (New par 2). Seven at night the subway officially opened to the public. First ride was in Manhattan and more than a hundred thousand people came to try the subway. To ride the subway it only cost a nickel (New par 3). Today in New York over 4.5 million passengers use the subway. The New York City Subway is the only system to run twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Even though it is always crowded and dirty many use the subway on a daily basis. New Yorkers and tourists could not do without the subway (New par 4). The subways system is a convince for everyone whether one lives in New York City or is just touring. It connects many major places areas in a city together. This was a new way to travel other than trains or horses. The opening of The New York City Subway…show more content…
In 1903, an astronomer Simon Newcomb stated, “Ariel flight is one of that class of problems with which man can never cope” (Woog 78). Within the same year, the Wright Brothers would prove his statement wrong. The Wright Brothers began experimenting inside their bicycle shop in1896. It was not until 1902 they tested a glider at Kitty Hawk Beach. The glider made more than seven hundred successful flights (Wright par 2). Together the brothers built their own engine because an engine from an automobile was not light and powerful enough (Wright par 3). On December 17th 1903, Orville Wright piloted the first powered airplane. Orville Wright and his brother, Wilbur Wright, called their flying machine the Whopper Flying Machine. Outside of their bicycle shop, the Whopper Flying Machine took flight. The flight lasted for twelve seconds and covered 120 feet. Wilbur Wright piloted the next flight lasting fifty- nine seconds going over 852 yards (Wright par 1). Many newspapers were notified but only the local journal made a mention of their flight at Kitty Hawk Beach (Wright par 3). To the locals the Wright Brothers were only seen as tinkerers playing with gadgets. People never thought of airplanes becoming more than just a hobby. No publicity was seen for the Wright Brothers until 1908. The government wanted Orville and Wilbur Wright to show the officials an improved version of their airplane. Later Orville and

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