What Was The Role Of Women In The Early 1900's

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Women Joining the Workforce Women in the 1900s through the 1940s were looked as not important. Men wanted women to stay home and do all the household chores. Moms, daughters, grandmas, aunts, wives and so many more were confined because of laws and because that was all they knew. Fortunately, there were women such as Rosie the Riveter and Harriet Eaton Stanton were both bold, courageous and were definitely a breakthrough for so many women. Women during the early 1900s were thought of as caretakers for the home and children, but Rosie the Riveter along with several others became inspirations for women at home to break away from this role to get educations and join the workforce. “During the 1900s women sought greater autonomy in terms of…show more content…
The event’s she created helped create public support for the suffrage movement” (Sochen June 4). “In 1907 Stanton formed the Equality League of Self-Supporting Women, it was the first American suffrage group and it was this league was for the working-class women” (Sochen June p.3.). “Harriet Eaton Stanton wanted all women and men to be equal. She got the idea of starting the league because her father was an abolitionist and her mother was an early women’s rights movement leader. After Stanton graduated from college she wrote two books that are Mobilizing Woman Power (1918) and A Woman’s Point of View (1920)” (Sochen June…show more content…
These were booming industries, thanks to increased demand caused by the war, or positions necessary for daily life, like post office workers” (Rosie 1). Propaganda campaign’s were up all over town during the war. Posters, commercials, paintings, and banners were up and the face of all of them were of Rosie the Riveter (Rosie 2). The campaign’s that had started were targeted towards certain people but they were mainly towards women (Rosie 3). "It was quite a predicament, and the U.S. government turned to the War Advertising Council, which implemented a massive national campaign to usher women into the workplace. Known as the Women in War Jobs campaign, it is considered even today to be the advertising industry's most successful "recruitment" campaign in the United States (Rosie 5). After older women were recruited then high school girls were recruited because all of the jobs were not filled up and they needed more employees (Rosie 6). “Several persuasive messages were in the promoted campaign’s such as the importance of patriotism, and that the end of the war if women at home filled the shoes of absent male workers. Fear propaganda also insisted that more soldiers would perish and women would be considered "slackers" if they didn't step up to the task” (Rosie 7). “By 1945, more than 18 million women were in the workforce -- up

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