Progressivism In The 1800s

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Progressivism emerged after the U.S. started to really develop and escalate, which meant that more and more social and economic issues were on the rise. There was racism, sexism, corruption, poverty, and several other issues that weren’t in full control of the government. This time, it was in the hands of the people, and the politicians saw progressivism as a solution to the nation’s problems. Progressivism meant that the government had to be reformed, in order to meet the needs of the country, and industrialization had to be controlled. As progressivism was further enforced, and people became more open to change, ‘Social Darwinism’, a concept that meant people began to develop based on politics and the idea of ‘survival of the fittest’, an…show more content…
There were several aspects of progressivism, as well as goals, all of which developed throughout the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, and meant that a new form of society was under way. Not only was progressivism seen as a solution to the issues that began after the Civil War (1861-1865), but it also meant that new details for how the people were influenced appeared as some issues began to take over the country. For example, when racism really emerged after the Union’s victory, it began to affect where people lived, where people went, transportation, etc. Understand that just because the anti-slavery side of the U.S. won the war didn’t mean that many people agreed with their ways. Even though the abolition of slavery was made official, many still saw the black people as lower than them, and as people who didn’t deserve to have the same privileges that whites did, if that. A specific group that was biased was the WASP’s, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, stereotypical white people that didn’t tend to appreciate the presence of black…show more content…
Some of the goals were met indirectly, through general influence, whereas others had to be met through movements and laws, which didn’t always prove to be effective. For example, corruption was to be fixed by breaking monopolies, regulating businesses, and even in bigger ways, like ratifying the 17th amendment in 1913. There were other political issues, such as whether to allow open competition between businesses (favored by Wilson, opposed by Roosevelt), and what restrictions should be placed on immigration. In addition, socio-cultural improvements were attempted, but not all of the goals were met. These included the fact that racism and sexism continued to be an issue for decades, even after awareness for both issues appeared, but even attempted recognition and suggested equality weren’t enough at the time, and it wasn’t until much later that the U.S. began to accept those of opposite races, sexualities, etc. A significant yet short-term attempt at moral improvement was prohibition, which took place in the early 1900’s, specifically between 1920-1933. Prohibition was the constitutional ban of distributing and buying alcohol, and although the intentions were good, they weren’t enough to persuade the people of the United States to stop drinking, especially since access to alcohol behind the system’s back wasn’t hard to

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