The Negative Effects Of Robotic Surgery

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What if I told you that robots are taking over our jobs, and through it our world? Would you not then begin to think that I am a bit delusional?? However, robots really are taking over our jobs and world due to the significant advances in the robotic industry and artificial intelligence, and how complex the robots are coming out to be. Just look around! We have computers, self-driving cars, iPhones, iPads, and so many new inventions that are recently being added to the tech industry. They are so complex, in fact, that many people claim they will soon take over many professions, including the one that I am planning to pursue: a surgeon. This may partially be true, as robots can and probably will take over the more physical side of being a surgeon,…show more content…
There is also the issue of responsibility, which claims that if there were a mistake to happen, the grieving patients would not know who to blame. Surgical robots are also currently too expensive for a normal hospital to even acquire. However, for the time being, robots are seen as an expensive tool and helper for the surgeons. To even begin with this, one must consider what it is even meant by the term of robotic surgery. Well, as the online introductory article, Robotic Surgery, which is produced by the Mayo Clinic Staff defines this as “Robotic surgery, or robot-assisted surgery, allows doctors to perform many types of complex procedures with more precision, flexibility and control than is possible with conventional techniques”. According to this definition given to us by Mayo Clinic Staff, we can draw the conclusion that future patients are going to be operated on more safely, precise, flexible, and controlled than more…show more content…
They cost a lot to own, and right now only the richest countries have them, and fortunately, one of them is the USA. In a different online article, How Robotic Surgery Will Work, by Kevin Bonsor and Jonathan Strickland, the authors explain that “Some robotic surgery systems cost more than $1 million to purchase and more than $100,000 a year to maintain. While hospitals can save on costs by decreasing the length of a patient's stay due to a shorter recovery period, they might not save enough to justify the expense of the system”. By making this comment, Bonsor and Strickland are trying to let us know how costly these robotic surgeon machines really are. So, even if they had the money to buy this, they would still be at a loss because the money saved might not be enough to equalize the cost. And with this ridiculous amount of money that is being asked for this robot, only a select few hospitals can purchase them, which means that it will take little to no jobs away. In the other previously mentioned article by Shubber, he clarifies and breaks down more of the costs when he says “Despite the technological advances, surgical robots remain the reserve of wealthy hospitals in wealthy countries. Of the 2,500 da Vinci robots sold to date, almost 2,000 are in the United States. The robot costs

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