Technology Addiction Research Paper

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According to Dale Archer, an American psychiatrist, nomophobia is the fear of being without technology which affects 40% of the population. This problem is more prevalent in teenagers; however, it affects the vast majority of individuals. As defined by Millicent Kelly, technology addiction is “a broad term involving the inability to control the urge to use technological devices” including computers, cell phones, and gaming systems. In today’s society, individuals use technology on a daily basis for educational purposes, morning alarms, and social media. Due to the high exposure to technology, it is easy to become addicted to it. Technology addiction has unhealthy effects on human interaction and health. A realistic solution to technology addiction…show more content…
This is either an individual family solution such as setting ‘screen time rules’ or simply taking time away from devices. Danielle Braff, a writer specializing in health, states that turning off electronics one hour before bed can help with addiction. Park Jung-in, for example, replaces sleeping with her teddy bear with her smartphone (“South Korea Sees…”). This may cause sleep complications because cell phones, tablets, and computers emit a blue light, which limits the release of melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone that controls an individual’s sleep schedule and this habit activates the brain, keeping it alert. Another way to lower the urge to use technology is to increase physical activity. For young children, physical development is crucial; therefore, planning mental breaks away from technology can distract an individual from using it (Braff). As mentioned before, individuals become engaged with technology and planning mental breaks will benefit individuals in the long run. This break is referred to as ‘digital detox’ where an individual sets scheduled times away from his/her device. More often than not, individuals simply need to participate in other activities such as doing laundry, washing dishes or even going for a walk to activate their brain and improve their overall health. Although there are ways in which an individual can constrain the utilization of technology,…show more content…
In the United States, there are limited facilities that deal with technology addiction; however, in countries such as China, Japan, Italy, South Korea, and Australia, internet addiction is an official disorder. The South Korean government provides counseling programs and psychological treatment for two million individuals who are addicted to technology (“South Korea Sees…”). Each individual may overcome this problem differently, but it is beneficial for many individuals to attend outpatient therapy. This consists of weekly sessions with a counselor or therapist who may advise their patients to participate in physical activity instead of using a technological device. Strict supervision and limited screen time are highly recommended to be successful. According to Kathy Pretz, counselors may also ask certain questions to get to know more about an individual case. One example is: “Do you feel compelled to use technology?” At-home routines or activities such as behavior modification, exercise, expressive arts, and recreational therapy may also be assigned outside of seeing a counselor. There is however, a downside to this solution because individuals may not be able to afford it. A one-hour session of therapy typically costs between $75-$100 (Cohen). Therapy is an expensive option, but it does provide beneficial results to overcome addiction to

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