Tears Of The Sun American Culture

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The media communicator of the film, Tears of the Sun, is Bruce Willis, who starred as Lieutenant Water. It was produced through his production company, Cheyenne Enterprises. Bruce Willis is a 60 year old American. The preferred reading in the film reflects his embedded values of patriotism to America and his belief that America can save the people in the third world. The purpose of the film is entertainment. According to Hall, media messages can interpreted differently depending on the audience. In the context, although it claims to be fictional, the movie tells us Hollywood’s version of the civil war in Nigeria. This fictional version, produced in 2003, is similar but not accurate to the 1967 civil war in Nigeria. It successfully reflects, reinforces, and shapes cultural attitudes and myths particularly that the people in Africa are suffering and need American help. The world depicted in the film is one where Africans cannot help or fight for them self and more no technology, no African doctors. It is a world ruled by the brutal rulers. The people that populate this world are brutal, blood thirsty rapists and the civilians are uncivilized, helpless, dark-skinned people with no sense of direction and poor English. The characteristics…show more content…
At the production stage of Tears of the Sun, the ideology that Africa is like a desert, where brutal, corrupt people and leaders are killing the helpless civilians, who need America to help them is used to produce this film. In a scene, during the massacre in an Igbo village, the rebel soldiers are seen not just murdering the people but also cutting off the Igbo women breasts and raping them. When Lieutenant Water and his team came across this, they became emotional about the atrocities the rebels have committed against the villagers, and they take down the rebel
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