Walter Lee's A Raisin In The Sun

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"Much of American life is an attempt to live out a dream…" (Brooks 247). Dreams are the roots upon which our country was born, and they continue to be the motivation of American success. They are a central part of our everyday lives, as Americans are always looking to the future. Sometimes, we let this get in the way of the beauty of the present, where people “want so many things that they are driving [them] kind of crazy” (Hansberry Act 1 scene 2). As shown mostly by Walter Lee in A Raisin in the Sun, this way of thinking may not always be beneficial and can be pretty risky because these thoughts can cloud our brains with falsities, where we are blind to reality. Our heads are always filled with dreams and thoughts of the future, as we are always thinking ahead on how to make our lives the best and the way we want them to be. However, this constant state of dreaming acts as the motivation to every chance taken and to every success, no matter how big or small. On Paradise Drive shows this state of mind in action. Brooks uses ‘Patio Man’ and his wife, ‘Realtor Mom,’ as his prime examples of the true America mindset: Americans aspire to have…show more content…
Many Americans go through a similar experience, where one’s dreams seem to make a fool out of oneself. Yet Americans have a gift when it comes to dreams and fantasy. We’ve all grown up with the future on our minds. We’ve practically been on the Pursuit of Happiness since we started walking, even if our wishes have become more mature and harder to achieve. We have all grown up knowing that one thing is for certain, and it is that although dreams may tear you down and throw you around, but they also have a way of bringing you back up. Like everything, one must go through the bad things to get to the best things in life, and Americans have incorporated this into the way our country advances and
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