Gang Violence And Hardships In The Outsiders By S. E. Hilton

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This paragraph is about the wonderful book, The Outsiders, written by S.E.Hilton is about gang violence and hardships. Ponyboy, the main character, and his friend Johnny are taking a walk and are attacked by a group of boys from their rival gang, Johnny stabs and kills one of them taking Johnny's and Ponyboy's life a turn for the worse. Johnny and Ponyboy run away and while hiding they save a group of children from a burning house and Johnny get severely burned. Johnny later on dies from his injuries and Ponyboy falls sick, a few weeks later Ponyboy begins to reconcile friendships, focus on school, and grows closer to his family as Johnny as his motivator. As you can see, The Outsiders, is an extraordinary book that anyone would love and has

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