Teaching Terminology In Teaching

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Teaching terminology in the EFL classroom Terminology as a discipline of study became relatively independent in the 20th century. So, terminology is often defined as “a number of practices that have evolved around the creation of terms, their collection and explication and finally their presentation in various printed and electronic media” and J.C.Sager “affirms its value as a subject in almost every contemporary teaching programme” [8, 1]. The demand for a study of terminology has developed due to the boost of information technologies which open the way for increased interest in suitable denominations for the newly appeared notions, predominantly in applied sciences, in interlinguistic and international communication. Although knowledge…show more content…
The students’ professional profile determines the nature of the required terminological competence. We define the main objectives of terminology teaching in EFL teacher training programmes as follows: - improving students’ ability to understand different meanings of the same term as they occur in specialized texts (homonymy) and explain the occurrence of variants of terms and their synonyms; - improving students’ ability to identify synthetic (e.g. affixation) and analytic means (e.g. compounding) of term formation that are used to a large degree in modern…show more content…
For instance, students can draw and then compare their bubble-networks for the concept of culture. Alternatively, students can create a tree diagram for culture which shows how different words are related by the same root. Students put the root morpheme cult- at the bottom of the trunk and the derivatives (culturing, cultured, uncultured, cultural, culturally, subcultural, intercultural, agricultural) in the branches of the tree. It is an advantage when students accompany the tree with a definition of each word and provide an example sentence containing the item. As the meaning of a concept is learnt better if it is presented in terms of its relationships to other words, students can be asked to draw a grid and put hyponyms under the superordinate term culture. In order to become more aware of collocational patterns, for example, students can fill in a collocational grid for the word culture. Various graphic organizers effectively highlight sense relations and help to remember the lexical items. The concept acquisition is enhanced by both using visual means and grouping the words with associated meanings

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