Why Do Women Stay In Abusive Relationships Essay

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What is more important? Love or yourself? Would you do whatever it takes to maintain a love relationship? In her early 20s, Leslie Morgan Steiner thought that she’d found her true love. She came to realize that she was married to a man who constantly seized her at gunpoint and threatened to murder her. Domestic violence is defined as endlessly abusive behavior by one individual against another and usually occurs in an intimate relationship. Many relationships have a violent secret hidden from the public. The true question is why do women stay in abusive relationships? The psychological facts about domestic violence, gender discrimination, and statistics on domestic violence explains how women come up with their decisions whether or not to flee an abusive relationship. According to Hayes (2015) women often blame themselves if an abusive relationship occurs. On the other hand, some would work on themselves to be more worthy for their spouses, or life partner. Abused wives,…show more content…
After a cruel incident, the victim would have a moment of clarity, and apologize, displaying himself as the victim. Nonetheless, in certain cases the victim’s feelings manipulate their perspective, mixing emotion making the situation difficult to handle. This is accurately how abusers wield control over their abused partners. Equally important, the abuser has more control since it all occurs in private, making the situation simpler. To illustrate, violence against women globally and domestically is pandemic that habitually happens at home. Domestic abuse that happens at home is more private and easier to escape public attention, and avoids felony. In the United States, 11,766 number of women are murdered resulting from domestic violence. One in four women in the United States report intimate partner abuse regularly, and don’t get the help they need (Chemaly,

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