Essay On Denotation And Connotation

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Every day people communicate their thoughts through the language of gestures, writing, and speaking. Like breathing, people often communicate without the consciousness of language’s complex composition. Yet, as complex as language may be, humans naturally begin to experience and develop language’s graceful acquisition at infancy. Similar to the development of language is the development of the thought process. The neural system that involves perception, problem solving, and creativity is also multifaceted and generally occurs unnoticed. Regardless of their complexities, language and thought are important tools which humans utilize everyday in order to interact, evolve, and survive. The purpose of this research paper will be to explore the…show more content…
For instance, the denotation of the word lion can mean a creature, animal, feline, or cat. However, the connotation for the word lion can signify courage, strength, royalty, or kingship. Based on the context, the user can reveal which meaning is conveyed. Similarly, other phrases or sentences of semantics are cleverly assembled to reflect both meanings of connotation and denotation. The phrase “There is no I in team” is a semantics phrase. The denotation of “There is no I in team” literally expresses that the letter I does not exist in the word team and its connotation implies that self-centered ambitions have no place in a team. Other semantic phrases can only refer to either denotation or connotation based on context. The phrase “The older I get, the smarter my father becomes”, inspired by Mark Twain, can only refer to its subjective meaning or connotation. This is because the denotation would yield a fallacy concluding that the inclination of the father’s intelligence is based on the child’s age. Thus, the connotation of the phrase is appropriate because it suggests that the older a child becomes, the more aware the child is of how wise his or her father’s past teachings and decisions

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