Teacher Feedback

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In this essay it is argued that feedback is an important part and it positively affect teacher-student relationship. The number of international students are continuously increasing in foreign universities. The universities in developed countries like Australia, USA and Canada are receiving more students from developing countries like India, China and South Korea (Haynie, 2014; Rowe, 2011). In last few years the classroom environment is changing for e.g. the number of students are increasing, large staff to student ratio and student’s focus on part-time job. In large classes the students often feel isolated and alone. “Feedback can be serve as an antidote to the increasingly impersonalised teaching environment entailed by larger classes and…show more content…
The intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation play an important role in improving the academic performance of the students. The teacher’s feedback play a mediator role between intrinsic motivation and academic performance of the students (Saeed, et al., 2013, p. 1387). Intrinsic motivation comes from the inside of student and it increases the internal hunger of students to achieve better academic results. In a large classroom it is impossible for teacher to communicate individually with all the students but feedback provides an opportunity to both student and teacher to discuss various problems related to the academic performance. The deep approach learning dimension stated that students like to engage with teachers and the valuable feedback from teachers provide a deep learning about the subject (Rowe, 2011). It can be said that when a teacher provides individual feedback to the student he not only discuss the academic problem but also personal problems which are affecting the student’s performance. Many students who study in foreign universities face the problem of anxiety and home sickness. The international students can directly discuss those problems with teacher during individual feedback sessions. The constructive feedback also motivates the international students and reduces their anxiety and…show more content…
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