Symbolism In The Kite Runner

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From the wealthiest neighborhood in Kabul to the poverty of San Francisco, Khaled Hosseini creates an unforgettable novel base on salvation, which goes beyond cultures and time in The Kite Runner. The kite runner is a captivating story about betrayal and redemption, following two motherless boys who learn to grow up together. This novel is considered to be a banned book because of its explicit content such as offensive language, religious viewpoints, and sexually explicit scenes, but despite a lot of its graphic material, The Kite Runner remains to be a relevant text for students to study today because of its timeless themes, teaching valuable life lessons that enables students to use their knowledge from the book in present and future references. The first theme The Kite Runner uses that students can relate to in their lives is the metaphoric use of kites. Kites are central to the novel because of its symbolism in the story. The meaning of kite flying is used in many different ways in The Kite Runner. According to the novel, in kite fighting, one controls the kite while the other assists by holding the string. Despite the fact that there is only one victory, flying kites is what brought Amir and Hassan together. The…show more content…
Every relationship in the novel shows a different type of love and how complex it is. For an example, Hassan’s love for Amir is selfless, while Amir’s love towards Hassan is the exact opposite. This is shown through many moments in the story where Hassan shows gratitude and loyalty while Amir thinks only of himself. These two relationships show the nature of brotherly love. This type of love evolves around protectiveness, insecurity, and jealousy because in Amir’s case, he is insecure about the way his father sees him as a son, and because he shows more love towards Hassan than towards him, he grows to become jealous over Hassan’s relationship with

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