The Kite Runner: Chapter Analysis

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The unconventional opening chapter of Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner” fills the readers with suspense and (questioning). A lot of information about the narrator is presented in the first chapter but the reader is not provided with enough information to fully understand the narrator’s full story. However, the author did allow the readers to determine the central themes of the novel. By providing exposition and the use of foreshadowing, Khaled Hosseini was able to reveal the themes of guilt, coming of age and loyalty in the first chapter of “The Kite Runner”. The theme of guilt is revealed in the first chapter, in which it states that the narrator continuously looks back on something that happened when he was twelve years old. The narrator states that he became what he is today during one crucial moment and that he has been dwelling on that moment for many years. The reader is able to infer that the narrator did something bad when he stated, “there is a way to be good again”, causing him to feel a great deal of guilt. Also, it is inferred that the narrator’s guilt has something to do with Hassan and that an event involving him has defined the narrator’s entire life. Thus, making Hassan an…show more content…
The novel begins with the narrator as adult and reflecting on his past and the crucial moment that changed his life. A drastic change at the age of twelve in the narrator’s life caused him to become who he is today. He has dwelled on the event that caused this change for many years and has grown up with his life revolving around it. “The Kite Runner” describes the life of the narrator and about how he found his identity as an adult. The first chapter includes many important characters and symbols that contributed to the narrator’s coming of age such as Hassan, Kabul, the kites and Baba. The theme of coming of age was introduced in the first chapter and explained as the novel

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