Pros And Disadvantages Of Globalization

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2.2.2 Wider gap between the poor and rich. Apart from environmental problems, social issues such as increasingly wide gap between the poor and rich as supposed to be taken into consideration. In this point, geographic and climatic disadvantages are main reasons inherently causing poverty. What’s more, enlargement of globalization accelerated this situation and poverty remains in developing countries. Essentially, the globalization didn’t eliminate poverty thoroughly whilst it unfair start line consequently made some countries inferior in the competition and lost their traditional industries (Makhlouf, 2014). In contrary, Northern and Western areas win cheap labor and raw materials from those places whilst locals are just provided bad working conditions and lower wages. To some extent, globalization was embarked from an unfair starting line.…show more content…
As Chatterjee (2014) pointed out that basically poor and extremely impoverished as well as tribal groups in India haven’t captured benefits from globalization. What’s worse, they became poorer and even the poorest groups. Correspondingly, the gradually increasing wide gap potentially raises conflict and unemployment, which are harmful for the harmonious society. According to The Economic Times (2014), the Gini coefficient, which represents inequality of income, increased from 30.8 to 33.9 in India between early 1990s and late 2000s. To be specific, the continuing widespread gap made the most impoverished 20% people possess less than 10% of national total income (The Economic Times, 2014). Therefore, the so-called globalization didn’t essentially narrow the gap of wealth. After all, factors related to poverty are
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