The Kite Runner Literary Analysis

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Many problems can arise if one underlying problem is not settled. Amir was a young boy who was just trying to keep his pride and figure out who he was meant to be. Was he to be a great son of Baba, an extremely successful and wise man? Or was he to be a good friend to a servant boy and be beaten down on and thought lowly of for calling this servant boy his best friend? As Hosseini writes about Amir’s life in The Kite Runner, we see examples of how Amir lacks courage and moral strength. It is easy to feel the pain, sorrow, confusion, and regret that Amir goes through as he grows older and realizes what decisions must be made. The way that we deal with guilt and shame can in many ways define us, and it is in these moments as Amir struggles to find his identity that he brings out who he is inside. Throughout the trials and struggles of Amir’s life in…show more content…
Amir grew up in a house that didn’t always necessarily feel like a home. His father was wealthy, and they had a nice house, but still there was something missing. Amir craved a love from his father that he did not feel as a child. He wanted Baba to be supportive of him for the person he was and to accept and love him just the same. Baba seemed to show more love and compassion for their servant boy Hassan. An example of this was when Baba gave Hassan a plastic surgeon as a Christmas present. Amir was jealous and he thought, “I wished I too had some kind of scar that would beget Baba’s sympathy. It wasn’t fair. Hassan hadn’t done anything to earn Baba’s affections; he’d just been born with that stupid harelip.” Amir really believed that his father loved someone else more than his own son, and it caused Amir to act shyly around Baba and be

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