The Kite Runner Rhetorical Analysis

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1. The thesis of The Kite Runner is how the journey of betrayal, abuse, and redemption of a man, Amir, reflects the tale of a war-torn Afghanistan. Hosseini is trying to prove that the war in Afghanistan and with Islamist radicals/fundamentalists has had a long-term effect on the Afghans and on those who inhabit Afghanistan. He argues that the political events of Afghanistan have intersected and radically interfered with the private lives of the people. 2. I think the best example of bias is what wasn’t said or written. The author, Hosseini, does not talk about how Afghanistan was created or how the Taliban got into power and who they received support from. I also read a short biography about Hosseini. I learned that Hosseini was born into a family that was well-to-do and he, for the most part, did not experience any of the things he writes about save for the challenge to adapt to American life. Hosseini was about fifteen when he moved to America so he did have a lot of Western influence ( The way he might have seen things in Afghanistan was from a third person point of view. From a Westerner’s point of view, the…show more content…
I thought this was a very well written piece of literature. It was touching; eyeopening. I thought I knew about the problems in the Middle East from the news, but I realized I knew nothing. The suffering and torture people have gone through in Afghanistan is unimaginable. This book describes everything in full detail. After researching for the facts, I found that many of the atrocities that are described in this book are real and they might be happening right now but that the West also has fault in what is happening in Afghanistan. I knew the world was not all rainbows but Hosseini paints it black and white. Also, I don’t think Hosseini ever experienced anything even close to what is in this book. The closest Hosseini ever got to suffering anything written in this book is when he read it himself. I hate this

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