The Kite Runner Rhetorical Analysis

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-Continued- This inability to defend himself is one of the reasons Baba feels he cannot connect fully with Amir (causes Amirs jealousy of others), “And you know, he never fights back. Never. He just... drops his head and...” (28). At the end of the book, we see Amirs character change into a man who stands up for what is right. As a child, Amir was unable to redeem himself to Baba, and as an adult, he looks to redeem himself for the action he did as a child. Amir goes to great lengths to do good, risking his life while standing up for what is right, “When its all done, only one of us will walk out of this room alive” (Assef to Amir, 368) The most important theme in my novel is the search for redemption. This theme creates the basis of the entire story, and shapes the protagonists actions. In the beginning of the book, Amir hopes to redeem himself in Babas eyes, feeling as though he has let Baba down by not being similar to him, making think as though he has let Baba down, “The least I could have done was to have had the decency to turn out a little more…show more content…
An element of style which the author uses in my book is the integration of the Farsi language into the text. Throughout the book, we see Khaled use words of a different language in hopes of reminding the reader where this story is coming from. The integration of Farsi in italics acts as a reminder that these events are being retold in the english language, but in actuality occurred in a different language. The element of style is used for the duration of the entire book, and also allows the the reader to better understand characters. For example, when Assef is first introduced to the novel, the first word which he speaks is written in Farsi, and gives us un understanding of what type of person he is. The author chose to write the word fag in Farsi for Assefs opening lines to make the word more acceptable (using different language), and help us to better understand Assefs mean nature, “Good morning, kunis!”

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