Swot Analysis Of Tesco

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3(c ) As leader of digital shopping within the hypermarket/ retail outlet industry, Tesco is much ahead of its peers capturing more than half of ecommerce grocery market in Malaysia. The company is doing so well in the provision of online shopping as its search site rules the sector. It is hard to find faults with its ecommerce practices, but of course, there is always room to make it even better not just to its customers but also all its stakeholders. The following are some of the suggestions that could be adapted to generate even more value for the retailer. • Lose the dropdown menus on the homepage. Dropdown menus can definitely save space especially when there are plenty of options for visitors although this is not always the best proposition…show more content…
An alert would be good to increase transparency and instill faith onto the brand among its customers especially the new and untested ones. • Product alerts on available alternatives If a customer selects a certain brand of toothpaste where product loyalty is not always a priority, Tesco should be able to flash out an alert of other toothpaste brands in a similar product range that are perhaps on promotions so that customer could have an option to buy other brand at a better bargain, which is not currently the case. • Provide product description Make product description available on some products to enable shoppers to make a more informed decision before deciding on a purchase. Similarly, a hoverzoom over a mouse can be a good tool that a user can control to check out on product description. • Multi-buy promotion alerts Apart from the manufacturers’ packed ‘buy one free one’ products, multi-buy in-store promotions are not highlighted on the site although they are quite a number of them at the physical stores. Customers love free items, so Tesco must make this as part of the features on its promotions…show more content…
Much like Domino’s, Tesco customers e.g. should have the option of a voice activated ordering system or making an order by turning on Samsung TV etc. • Display ‘Return Policy’ prominently on the homepage Currently, the policy is stated at the bottom of the ‘Terms and Conditions’ page which in turn placed at the bottom of the homepage. In fact, customers could miss it if they don’t bother scrolling down and read the T&Cs of online shopping at the site. According to the Wall Street Journal, about a third of all products ordered online are returned, so understanding that returns are part of the buying process is essential. • Add review engines for user experience/ ratings • When customers cannot physically see and touch products that are on sale, convincing them to break out their hard earned ‘cash’ can be even harder. Delivering a user-friendly personalized experience is one way to encourage them to fill up their carts. User reviews can have a positive effect on credibility to improve conversion rates because of the feel-good experience of providing good recommendations to likeminded users. A study has shown that almost two thirds of customers are more likely to make a purchase from a site which has a designated forum for user

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