Suspect Interrogation

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Critically evaluate both the PEACE and Reid methods of suspect interrogation. Introduction Suspect interrogation is used by most Police forces worldwide. These interrogations are performed for a number of different reasons and therefore, a number of different methods of suspect interrogations are used. Two of the most commonly used methods of suspect interrogations by Police forces Worldwide are, the PEACE and the Reid methods of suspect interrogation. Both methods are nearly in complete contrast to each other, but both aspire to achieve the same result; a suspect being successfully convicted for a crime he or she has committed. This is a very important point which will be constantly referred to throughout this essay. Firstly…show more content…
In June 2004, in the United States of America the home of the Reid technique during the case of Missouri v. Seibert, the United State Supreme Court referenced the Reid textbook, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, in making their decision in the case Stansbury v. California. Courts throughout the United States of America have recognized the Reid interrogation technique as a lawful, leading interview and interrogation approach available to Police Forces. Conclusion Both the Reid and PEACE methods of Suspect Interrogation and Investigative Interviews are extremely beneficial to criminal investigations; however they both come with their own clear disadvantages and shortfalls. During a criminal investigation it must always be the number one priority to successfully convict a guilty suspect for a crime he did commit. Above anything the injured party of a crime entitled to justice and that should be the number one goal throughout the investigation. Whichever method is used to interview a suspect to any crime, it must be beneficial to the investigation. An unjust interview with a suspect could jeopardise an entire investigation just to obtain a confession of guilt. Whatever admissions are made by any suspect, are irrelevant if they cannot be admissible as evidence in court
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