Comparing Kierkegaard On Fear And Trembling

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For people to know what Kierkegaard means by “a teleological suspension of the ethical”, people must be able to know in what context Kierkegaard introduced this concept in. The concept of “a teleological suspension of the ethical” is based on “Fear and Trembling” that focuses on the holy story of the prophet Abraham (968). Prophet Abraham prays for a son after he remains childless for eighty years of his life. God answers his prayers and gives prophet Abraham a son, Isaac. However, thirty years after the prophet has Isaac, god asks him to kill his son. Prophet Abraham obeys his God and prepares to do so, but right before he kills him God tells the prophet to kill a ram instead of his son. “Fear and Trembling” tells this story in four different versions each with a somewhat different perspective than the other. In the first version of the story, prophet Abraham does as God tells him and prepares to kill Isaac. In the same version the prophet convinces his son that he is doing this in his own will and not by God’s. What he tries to convince his son about is not true, he says what he says because he would rather have his…show more content…
This was a test for prophet Abraham from God, and he passed it. Kierkegaard tells this story to show the difference of the complete blindness and complete obedience of the church and the faith of an individual. Kierkegaard believes that if prophet Abraham agreed to kill Isaac and was willing to do so to obey by God’s commands, this would have been obedience and not faith. Prophet Abraham agrees to kill Isaac because he has huge faith in God that he will not make him kill his own son. Prophet Abraham does not believe that he will not have to kill his son, but he has faith of that. Believing means he knows for a fact that he will not have to kill Isaac, but having faith means there is a big possibility that he will not have to kill his son, but may be proven

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