Daisy And Daisy's Essay Relationship Between Two Characters

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i. How does the relationship between these two characters develop across the course of the novel? ii. Where were the turning points in this relationship? What accounted for these changes? iii. How does the relationship between these two characters contribute to the story in terms of plot, theme, or the writer’s craft? The relationship between the two characters started off with Daisy predominantly in control as the two of them starting a detective society with Daisy as the chairman and Hazel as the meagre Secretary role. But then a murder happens in their school and they start to investigate this incident. But in the process of gathering information , Hazel feels that Daisy was secretive as she seemed to plan another mission not with her but with other people supposedly not in the society and Hazel wanted a bigger role as the one who found out the murder. Daisy is mainly…show more content…
For example, the investigation is stalled when their relationship isn’t going too well as they can’t cooperate the investigation will be stalled and the story has to take a twist, which makes the story much more interesting. Then two characters have their own unique ways of doing things and having two people instead of one makes the whole plot more interesting by viewing the situation from two contrasting perspectives. The relationship between them makes the theme more about teamwork and acceptance and by making Hazel a differing girl from others and how Daisy treats her equally (except for the first part) shows the acceptance of Hazel’s race by Daisy and thus sets the theme on another path deviating from the usual excellent teamwork and surprises. The relationships ups and downs also makes the story more interesting by forcing the author to think of a twist to the plot with mistrust, arguing also taking place and how they recovered from these to remain as good

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