Examples Of Social Norms In The Blind Side

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The Blind Side is a movie based on a true story that depicts the hardships of Michael Ors throughout his life. During his early childhood, his mother and father abandoned him because they were drug addicts, which provoked him to escape the emotional distress that he had to face. As a homeless African-American teenager who was living on the streets, Michael struggled to live an adequate life and barely got by. He barely had an education but soon enough, Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) and her husband, Sean (Tim McGram) find Michael and offer him a life-changing opportunity. The goal of the film is to portray how Michael is challenged by the social norms because of his skin color, his new community and how he strives to conform to them through…show more content…
Leigh Ann had hope in him when no one else did. When the world gave up on him she was there to encourage him. She adopted him, gave him a roof and a family. She fights for Michael. She fights with him towards society and accepts him as his own son. She goes to his football games and she cares for him as a mother which Michael never had. They both protect one another. You can see in the movie the strong bond they have and that bond is emotional. Leigh Ann only wants the best for Michael and they have emotional scenes where you can see the Leigh Ann truly loves Michael. But in this movie there was not only Michael's transformation but Leigh Ann’s transformation as well. Leigh Ann is socially a power women, she is cold as a rock and determined. Leigh Anne Tuohy is no where near a soft woman and you can see her from her character. But, when she meets Michael Orhs she becomes another women. A happier women. Leigh Ann steps out of her own comfort zone just for Michael. Having that special connection with Michael makes her a complete different person. She is more caring and more loving. You could see From going to a tough women she went to a soft women who stepped out of her comfort zone. She went and drove to in unsavory neighborhood, Hurt Village, in order to go shopping with Michael. You could see the fear in Leigh eye’s about coming to this part of town but Michael told her he had her back. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her and she compromised. She saw Michael's world and how he lived. She saw his life through his own perspective. She did it for Micheal which is a very big transformation to look at the world differently. She sees him from a new perspective. They both transformed one another for the better and that is why this movie is very important as well because it shows how two people make sacrifices for one

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