Stereotypes In My Life

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250-750 words A. Describe a challenge you have faced, how you met it, and its effect on you A challenge I have faced in my life is being coping with the truth that I will be stereotyped because I wear a hijab (scarf). I am always curious about what people think when they first look at me. Do they see me as a normal person or do they see the hijab (scarf) with the stereotype designed by society first? If it is the latter it is a cringing thought to me because nobody wants to be stereotyped; it is one of the worst feelings in life. Trust me. No matter how much a person denies that they stereotype others, it is a lie. Humans can never stop judging; we cannot help that it comes naturally. When I look in the mirror I see a girl. I see a girl who…show more content…
Do people think I am a terrorist? I have had friends leave due to the fact that I started to wear my hijab. At the time I was very upset, but now that I have matured I realized that I am glad they left me. If they could not accept me for who I am, then who am I to call them friends? After this experience I opened my mind and started thinking. Why can we not look past all these stereotypes? Why can we not start looking at people and consider them as humans instead of their labels? These days everyone complains about the lack of equality in the world when we do not even realize that our everyday judgments are one of the biggest reasons why we have not reached equality. Because we are too busy being blinded by only what we hear, not the real truth. Everyone deserves a chance to be themselves, not their stereotype. Just because someone has blonde hair does not mean he or she is dumb. Just because a person is African American does not mean fried chicken is that person’s breakfast, lunch and dinner. Just because a person is American does not mean he or she is fat and lays on the couch all day. Just because someone is an immigrant does not mean he or she is a terrorist. None of these stereotypes are true; they may be in a few cases, but for the large majority of the group it is a judgment. I wear my hijab as a symbol of my religion. It makes me proud and I hold my head high and defend what I believe in. If people…show more content…
I have gained a lot of wisdom from my parents, and because of them I have turned into my own independent person. Regardless, positively or negatively, they have impacted many of my decisions. I cannot thank them enough for everything they have provided for me and for how much they loved me no matter how much I messed up. I wish them eternal happiness and a long life so that they can support and guide me for as long as they can. C. In 100 characters of less, what is your current life motto? If you believe, you can achieve - that is my life motto. I trust that if someone has enough belief and motivation to succeed, even the hardest goals in life are within reach. Hard work and sweat turns into results when working towards a goal. If you want it bad enough and have the desire to do it, then the target will come true. Nothing is impossible if you work hard to achieve and succeed. If you put in the time and effort needed for that dream to be accomplished, then it will become a
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