Summary: Posohkov Poverty And Wealth

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Eighteenth century Russia, peasants made up the majority of Russia’s population. Peasants are accounted for the industrial lands owned by merchants and the nobility. The peasants in Russia have been treated as animals where they were bought and sold by the nobility. With the abundant of peasants in Russia, orders had been placed and enforced by the tsar and state officials to maintain this population. Some of these orders describes the purchases and regulations of peasants. In the online reading titled, Posohkov Poverty and Wealth, Ivan Tikhonovich became an admirer of Peter the Great for his efforts to modernized Russia. Tikhonovich was a self-taught peasant who was involved with the governmental services. With his services to the government, he became aware of the corruptions in Russia. He had written a book called, A Book on Poverty and Wealth, that describes what the government and the tsar should do to improve the prosperity of Russia. Tikhonovich writes about how the merchants are significant to the economy of Russia and to not reduce the numbers of merchants but to increase the numbers. Merchants and military work side by side to ensure the well-being of each other. Military and merchants cannot exist without the existence of one another.…show more content…
In Catherine II accession to the throne, she had increased the number of serfdom which lead to the Pugachev Rebellion in 1773 to 1774. This rebellion was led by a man name Emelian Pugachev who claimed to be Peter III. In this rebellion, Pugachev promised the peasants freedom to the lower levels of the Russian society. The rebellion was eventually put down by Catherine II’s military. Catherine II rational to put this rebellion down was the lies Pugachev had told and deceiving he peasants by claiming he was Peter III. So, to ensure the peace be restored in Russia, she had to put down the

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