Stained Glass Analysis

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Stained glass consists of pieces of glass joined together by strips of lead to form patterned windows or other objects. Functionalism is a philosophy of design holding that the form of a building should be adapted to use, material, and structure. The Modulor system is a scale of measurements and proportions of the human body devised by Le Corbusier. This system is based on different gestures of a human body in which Le Corbusier applied in his drawings, furniture design, and architecture. The Corinthian order is one of the classical orders of Greek and Roman architecture. Its main characteristic is an ornate capital carved with stylized acanthus leaves. Eclecticism is a 19th and 20th-century architectural style in which a piece of work incorporates…show more content…
A filigree is a decoration that consists of delicate designs made of gold or silver wires. Orange, green, and violet are secondary colors because they resulted from mixing of two primary colors. In architecture, the form has three characteristics: orientation, visual inertia, and position. The position is the direction of the form relative to its environment or from the person doing the measurement. In 1948, Le Corbusier introduces with his paper “Le Modulor” a conventional modular system, through which he defines the basic dimensions of the human stature (the standard is considered an adult man with the average height of 183 centimeters) and the proportions existing between the body parts. A circle is a perfectly closed plane bounded by a curve in which every point is equidistant from a fixed point at the center. Renaissance is the period of European history between the 14th and 17th century when there was a new interest in science and in ancient art and literature, especially in…show more content…
Breuer designed the Wassily Chair which became helpful in reducing the formation of the classic club chair to its elemental lines and planes. Christopher Wren was an English architect who designed the Saint Paul's Cathedral in London. Saint Paul's Cathedral is an Anglican cathedral which is the seat of the Bishop of London and the mother church of the Diocese of London. In his book entitled De architectura, Vitruvius has written that a good building must satisfy three main qualities, which are firmitas (firmness), utilitas (usefulness), and venustas (beauty). A sculpture is a piece of art that is made by carving or molding to produce a three-dimensional figure. Antonio Sant'Elia was an Italian architect and a key member of the Futurist movement in architecture. He is primarily remembered for his bold sketches and influence on modern architecture. He began a series of design drawings for a futurist Città Nuova (New City) that was conceived as a symbol of a new age. Isambard Brunel was an English mechanical and civil engineer who is considered one of the most ingenious and prolific figures in engineering history. He designed the Clifton Suspension Bridge which links Clifton in Bristol to Leigh Woods in North

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